Thalidomide Capsule Side Effects and Precautions - An Anticancer Drug

Thalidomide is a drug belongs to an anticancer drug category. This medication is used to treat myeloma.

Mechanism of action of Thalidomide

Thalidomide Anticancer Capsule acts by several mechanisms such as it helps in blocking of growth of cancerous cells, it also helps our immune system to fight against myeloma cells, it interferes with the formation of blood vessels in cancerous cells. As a result of interference in all these activity cancerous cells are unable to grow further by multiplying themselves.

Side effects of Thalidomide

Like all medicines thalidomide has some common and some rare side effects like:
Problem in breathing, pale body, infections, headaches, soreness of throat, fever, chill, cough, tiredness,  muscles pain, joint pain, painful urination, toothache, bleeding from gums, skin allergic reactions like rashes, redness, swelling etc, dizziness, constipation, tremor, mood swings, blurring of vision, indigestion, weakness, kidney disease, hearing disorders, abnormal heart rates etc.

Precautions with Thalidomide

Some precautions are needed before starting this medication, you should make sure that you are not allergic with the thalidomide and other inactive ingredients used in the formulation.

Do not use thalidomide medication if you are already pregnant, as it causes hazardous effects to the developing baby.

Also do not plan to become parents if you are already taking this medication.
Avoid this medication if you on breast feeding stage, as thalidomide secretes in milk and can harm to the child.

Thalidomide medication is available in the form of capsules in market, but you can only purchase this medication if you are having a valid prescription from a registered oncologist.

Many pharmaceutical organizations like Affy group are engaged in manufacturing such medications. They are the manufacturersof anticancer capsules in India like thalidomide capsule, also involved in manufacturing of anticancer tablets and injections.


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