What is shampoo?

Shampoo is one of the cosmetic products, used for cleansing purpose of hairs.  It is in viscous liquid form packed in bottles, sachets of different size and shape. It works when we applied it on our wet hairs and continue with massage, lather formation takes place and then rinsed off.
Shampoo consists of surfactants along with co-surfactants and some other ingredients which enhance the qualities of shampoo like:

  • They enhance the fragrance in shampoo.
  • They help in reducing toxicity.
  • It helps in pH adjustment.
  • They enhance silky and shiny property of hairs.
  • They help in repairment of damage hairs.
  • They also enhance biodegradability.

Why we use shampoo?

Shampoo is generally used for removal of unwanted sebum which get accumulated on our hairs. It is also used to treat dandruff problem. We also use shampoo for healthy, black, strong, silky and shiny hairs.

Selection of Shampoo

Selection of right and appropriate shampoo is very important task, because we cannot take any kind of risk and experiments with our hairs. Before selection of shampoo you should must know:

  • Ingredients of shampoo.
  • Flavour of shampoo.
  • Purpose of shampoo.
  • Feedback about shampoo.
We have to aware of these things before making choice regarding shampoo for our hairs. As we know there are many cosmetic manufacturers who are manufacturing shampoo. But we have to choose the right one. One of my female friend had used a shampoo manufactured by Affy group and gave me positive feedback. Affy is one of the cosmetic manufacturer who engaged in manufacturing of shampoo in India.


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